Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Google Stops Web Accelerator Downloads

Quiet as kept, Google stopped downloads for Web Accelerator. Fantomaster broke the news. Notice the quiet disclaimer from Google that they have reached the capacity limit for their users.

Clearly, a combination of the negative buzz surrounding this product and the Google outage on May 7 convinced Google to regroup a little.

If Web Accelerator truly is useful, I hope Google fixes the security flaws. Personally, with the cable modem connection that I currently have, I see no need to use Web Accelerator.

As a personal opinion, it's a good thing I didn't try it. I usually try the new products from Google and Yahoo. I particularly like My Search History and Gmail. But I do too much work online, like banking, to have Web Accelerator mess with my privacy and security.

Hope Google learns from this and fixes the bugs.


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